- particle annihilation
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Англо-український і українсько-англійський словник з аналітичної хімії. — Севастополь: «Вебер». В.В. Рафалюк, О.М. Ловягін . 2002.
Англо-український і українсько-англійський словник з аналітичної хімії. — Севастополь: «Вебер». В.В. Рафалюк, О.М. Ловягін . 2002.
Annihilation — is defined as total destruction or complete obliteration of an object; [ [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2 q=Annihilation Dictionary Definition] (2006) Dictionary.com.] having its root in the Latin nihil (nothing). A literal translation … Wikipedia
Annihilation radiation — is a term used in Gamma spectroscopy for the gamma radiation produced when a particle and Antiparticle collide. Most commonly, this refers to 511 keV gamma rays produced by a gamma ray undergoing Pair production [Knoll, G: Radiation Detection and … Wikipedia
Annihilation (disambiguation) — Annihilation may refer to one of the following: *Annihilation an effect that occurs when a particle collides with an antiparticle. * Human annihilation End of civilization * Mutual assured destruction * Annihilation operator * A rule in the laws… … Wikipedia
annihilation — /euh nuy euh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or an instance of annihilating. 2. the state of being annihilated; extinction; destruction. 3. Physics. a. Also called pair annihilation. the process in which a particle and antiparticle unite, annihilate… … Universalium
particle accelerator — accelerator (def. 7). [1945 50] * * * Device that accelerates a beam of fast moving, electrically charged atoms (ions) or subatomic particles. Accelerators are used to study the structure of atomic nuclei (see atom) and the nature of subatomic… … Universalium
annihilation radiation — radiation produced by the collision and annihilation of a particle and its antiparticle, especially the two 0.511 MeV gamma ray photons produced by the annihilation of a positron and an electron … Medical dictionary
Particle number operator — In quantum mechanics, for systems where the total number of particles may not be preserved, the number operator is the observable that counts the number of particles. The number operator acts on Fock space. Given a Fock state composed of single… … Wikipedia
annihilation — n. 1 the act or process of annihilating. 2 Physics the conversion of a particle and an antiparticle into radiation. Etymology: F annihilation or LL annihilatio (as ANNIHILATE) … Useful english dictionary
annihilation radiation — /ənaɪəˌleɪʃən reɪdiˈeɪʃən/ (say uhnuyuh.layshuhn raydee ayshuhn) noun the radiation produced when a particle and an antiparticle, such as an electron and a positron, interact and disappear with a resultant release of energy …
Virtual particle — In physics, a virtual particle is a particle that exists for a limited time and space, introducing uncertainty in their energy and momentum due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. (Indeed, because energy and momentum in quantum mechanics are … Wikipedia
Creation and annihilation operators — Quantum optics operators Ladder operators Creation and annihilation operators Displacement operator Rotation operator (quantum mechanics) Squeeze operator Anti symmetric operator Quantum corr … Wikipedia